Active Week
Active Schools Week This Year
Active Week this academic year 2018/19 will take place from the 17th June to the 23rd June.
The boys are busy organising and planning their Active Schools Week!
Active School Week Plan 2018/19
The boys are in the process of organising many fun and active events for our Active Week.
Monday 17th June
We are hoping to have some parents in to the school's PE hall to do some taster sessions of physical activity - exercise classes or dance classes.
After this, we are hoping to go to the Slieve Bloom Mountains on a forest trail. We are in the process of finding some historian guides to make it even more interesting. We are using a cross-curricular approach here! We hope to link this physical activity in with History and our local area.
Tuesday 18th June
We are hoping to have our first sport's day. We have organised for our school to have bouncy castles again this year after the great success of them in the last few years. While some classes will be using the bouncy castles, others will be having mini-game leagues beside them and others will be at the field in Mountrath for their sport's day races (running, three-legged, sack, egg and spoon, wheelbarrow).
Wednesday 19th June
We are hoping to have our second sport's day down in the field in Mountrath. We will have a rounder's game in Beat the Teachers. We are planning to have local clubs in to do taster sessions with the children. We are inviting St. Aengus's Soccer Club, Mountrath Hurling Club, Rugby Club and Rounders.
Thursday 21st June
We will be going on our whole school tour to the University of Limerick for a a Let's Go camp. Busy, busy!
Friday 22nd June
To finish off the busy and active week, we will go to the local park. We will hope that Laois Sport's Partnership will provide us with one of their members to show the boys how to use the gym equipment in the park or to do some physical exercise classes.
Active School Week in the past
Here at the boys school, we have always held an Active Week. Here is some pictures from the past Active Weeks we have held.